Furry Green 寵物鮮食 傻媽流浪貓狗之家 捐贈計劃 Donation Run for Brave Mum’s Home Animal Shelters

捐贈傻媽流浪貓狗之家計劃 Donation Run for Brave Mum’s Home Animal Shelters

Furry Green從食品工場收集過剩而未被利用的新鮮食材,將剩食升級再造,製作最適合毛孩口味與營養需要的鮮食包,我哋嘅鮮食包含肉類及蔬菜,全無化學成份,為 傻媽流浪貓狗之家 (傻媽)的毛孩提供豐富營養。😍
現時向Furry Green訂購狗狗鮮食,指定送贈給傻媽,價錢為每包$198/2 kg。每售出2 kg 鮮食,Furry Green會捐贈2 kg鮮食予傻媽,亦會幫忙運送到傻媽場內,與大家一起為毛孩提供飽足生活而努力。
想支持傻媽的朋友請到Furry Green 網站 👉🏻(https://tinyurl.com/3nr9mrrw )
亦可以WhatsApp 📲5636 0311聯絡我哋購買




Furry Green collects leftover fresh ingredients from food factories that would otherwise go to waste. We upcycle these food scraps into freshly made meals tailored to the tastes and nutritional needs of pets. Our gently processed pet food contains  no chemical additives, fillers or preservatives. This is time, we are serving nourishing meals for the stray cats and dogs under the care of Brave Mum’s Home Animal Shelter.

Please donate a sponsorship pack to Brave Mum's Home with Furry Green 's donation pack at $198 for 2kg. For every 2kg pack sold, Furry Green will donate an extra 2kg of food to Brave Mum’s Home.  Together we strive to provide a fulfilling life for the animals.

If you want to support Brave Mum’s Home, please go to Furry Green website (link: https://tinyurl.com/3nr9mrrw)  or contact us via WhatsApp at 5636 0311 

About Brave Mum’s Home Animal Shelter:

Brave Mum’s Home Animal Shelter was founded in 2017 by "Brave Mum" Annie, who resigned from her job to build the shelter from scratch. With limited funding, she transported building materials, levelled the ground, constructed 2-meter high composting bins and more, all by herself. To properly house dogs in different conditions, such as those who are sick, in need of behavioural support, or healthy and up for adoption, she even drew from her pension savings to expand the facilities.


