
為大家介紹一款美味且營養豐富的 Furry Green 狗狗鮮食——蕃薯鴨胸






含有維他命 A有助維持皮膚健康😌,促進傷口癒合,其大量的維他命C、E及鉀,可以增強狗狗免疫力及維持皮膚健康😀

Sweet potato and duck breast is a healthy and delicious fresh food for your furry friend, combining the nutritional values of sweet potato and duck meat that will surely make your dog drool! Sweet potato is a highly nutritious food that contains vitamins A, C, E, and potassium, while duck meat is rich in protein, iron, and phosphorus, which help maintain your dog's overall health and well-being. Now, let's delve deeper into the nutritional benefits of sweet potato and duck meat.

Sweet potato is an incredibly healthy food that contains ample amounts of vitamin A, which helps maintain your dog's skin health and promotes wound healing. Additionally, it also contains a lot of vitamin C, E, and potassium, which enhance your dog's immune system, prevent diseases, and maintain healthy skin.

On the other hand, duck meat is rich in protein, iron, and phosphorus, which help maintain your dog's physical health. Duck meat's fat contains a higher amount of unsaturated fatty acids compared to other meats, making it more beneficial in maintaining cardiovascular health. Furthermore, duck meat is also a low allergen meat, reducing the risk of your dog being allergic to it.

By combining sweet potato and duck meat, your dog can enjoy the nutritional benefits of both foods. Moreover, sweet potato and duck breast also contain a lot of fiber, promoting your dog's digestive health and reducing the risk of constipation. Most importantly, sweet potato and duck breast are delicious and healthy fresh food options that will make your dog happy and satisfied.


To buy: https://furrygreen.hk/collections/dog-food/products/duckdogfood100

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