
Furry Green fresh pet food are made from surplus ingredients collected from food factories and carefully crafted to meet your pet's nutritional needs. Plus, they're free from preservatives and chemical additives and packed with delicious meats and vegetables your pet will love.
And now, you can also support our local animal shelter Maison de Charlotte pour des Chats et des Chiens (MCCC) with us!
Buy and donate a pack of 2 kg fresh pet food and donate to MCCC. i For every 2 kg of fresh food you purchase, we'll donate 2 kg to MCCC and even help with delivery to the shelter. It's a win-win for everyone!
Visit our website to place your order today and join us in our mission to provide all pets with a happy, healthy life.
#SellSomeDonateSome #FreeShipping #AdoptDontAbandon #DonateToMCCC #LoveYourPets#賣幾多捐幾多 #免運費 #領養不棄養 #捐贈沙律家 #惜食毛孩