Transforming Lives, One Bowl at a Time
Discover How Furry Green's Fresh Food Can
Improve Digestion, Appetite, and Overall Health for Your Pet.
Life-Changing Improvements

Benji, a 17 year-old Chihuahua with kidney disease and poor appetite, saw a dramatic improvement in his health after switching to Furry Green's fresh pet food.
Read Benji's Story
A customer shared that her cat's digestive and coat health greatly improved after eat Furry Green fresh pet food. The cat's chronic inflmmatory bowel disease (IBD) stabilized, with reduced vomiting and healthier coat.
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IG@kiumapatpat shared her pet Tiger's health and the environment found out FurryGreen's food. Not only do they provide Tiger with a delicious and healthy diet but also aligns with her environmental values.
Read Tiger's story
Like many beloved pets, FayFay's enthusiasm for food led to some weight management challenges. FayFay's mom her weight loss success with FayFay with Furry Green
Read FayFay's story