鹿肉紫薯狗狗鮮食 Venison & Purple Sweet Potato Fresh Dog Food (100g)

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低致敏餐單,使用肉類蛋白質與低敏食材, 適合容易對食物敏感狗狗

鹿肉紫薯狗狗鮮食 (100g)
Venison & Sweet Potato Fresh Dog Food (100g)

材料:鹿肉、薯仔、紫薯、甘荀、蔬菜、薏米、白飯、燕麥、雞蛋、蛋殼粉、海藻粉Ingredients: Venison, Potato, Purple Sweet Potato, Carrots, Mixed Veggies, Barley, White Rice, Oat, Egg, Egg Shell Powder, Kelp Powder

營養分析 Nutrition Analysis:

Calories熱量: 152 kcal/100g
Moisture水份 70g, Crude Protein 粗蛋白質 24g, Crude Fat 粗脂肪 3.1g, Ash 灰質 0.22g, Fiber 纖維 0.9g, Sodium鈉 53mg, Calcium 鈣 180mg. Phosphorus 磷 161mg

100% Made in Hong Kong
Note: Partly Made with Upcycled Ingredients

Please keep products at -18C freezer 

Furry Green 鹿肉紫薯狗狗鮮食款跟據 AAFCO,充分利用鹿肉的優良特性。鹿肉作為高質量的蛋白質來源,不僅比三文魚、鮭魚、雞肉更優秀,並且是一種低敏食物,適合對食物過敏的狗狗食用。


與其他寵物食品相比,Furry Green 鹿肉紫薯狗狗鮮食更加健康、天然、美味,不含任何人工添加劑和防腐劑。我們採用最新的真空低溫慢煮技術,以保持食品的新鮮度和口感,同時也更加方便您的存儲和使用。

現在就讓您的毛孩嘗試Furry Green 鹿肉紫薯狗狗鮮食,讓他們享受最優質的飲食。我們堅信,只有最好的產品才能滿足您對毛孩的健康和幸福的追求。


低致敏狗狗鮮食組合套餐 (羊、鴨、鹿)

Furry Green's Venison & Sweet Potato Fresh Dog Food is specially made to bring out the best in your furry friend! We've taken advantage of the amazing qualities of deer meat, which is a top-quality source of protein. And guess what? Deer meat is even better than salmon, chicken, and other meats! Plus, it's a low-allergen food, making it perfect for dogs with food sensitivities.

But that's not all! Our dog food is also low in fat and cholesterol and is rich in iron. All of these features work together to provide your pet with the best possible nutrition, which helps them maintain good health and stay active and happy.

When compared to other pet foods, Furry Green's Venison & Sweet Potato Fresh Dog Food is healthier, more natural, and more delicious. We never add any artificial preservatives or additives. Instead, we use the latest vacuum low-temperature cooking technology to preserve freshness and flavor. This makes our food not only healthy but also convenient to store and use.

So, why wait? Let your furry pal try Furry Green's Venison & Purple Sweet Potato Fresh Dog Food now and give them the best possible diet. We believe that only the best products can satisfy your pursuit of your pet's health and happiness!